L'hereu i la pubilla


Original for cobla {Catalan ensemble: 1 flubiol, 2 tibles, 2 tenors, 2 cornetins, 1 trombó, 2 fiscorns, 1 contrabaix}

(There is a version for solo piano by the composer)

Premiered: Written in early 1922 and released on January 14 at the Plaza de San Justo, at a "ballada" organized by the "Catalan Esbart Dansaires. Cobla "La Principal de Peralada".

Dedication: "a l'Esbart Català de Dansaires de Barcelona"

Publisher: Union Musical Española (UME Madrid, 1964)

COMMENTS"Pels aplecs i per les fires es compren els hereus i les pubilles" (Dita popular dels aplecs). L'Esbart Català de Dansaires de Barcelona is an organization dedicated to research, compilation, preservation and dissemination of traditional Catalan dance and customs in all its aspects with the utmost rigor and historical ethnoscientific and all related activities such as publications, courses, conferences, dance shows, festivals, organization or coordination of public events, etc.. and in general everything that is related to Catalan culture and that their actions do not have a competitive nature. The figure of the heir and the heiress is one of the best known of the catalan traditions and was born as a need to get down to earth family, the firstborn of every family in the case of men, is the heir and in women, if there's no male younger brother, the heiress inherited three-quarters of the family patrimony and the other room to be shared among the younger brothers. The figure of the heir and the heiress is one of the most famous Catalan traditions, appeared as a need to get the land to a family descendant, the firstborn of every family in the case of men, is the heir and in women, if there is no male younger brother, the heiress, the heir / heiress inherited three quarters of the family patrimony and one quarter to distribute among the younger brothers. Today also, the figure of the heir and heiress part of various folk and popular elements, far from his hereditary past, in various towns and cities, anyone appointed heir or heiress of the municipality or district, it represents some sponsor way and make it representative of the town, usually during the period of one year and because, of its merits is within the town as it is (beauty, skill, curriculum, etc.).

El tema de la pubilla ha estat força tractat per molts compositors dins el món sardanista. Trobem sardanes ben representatives com "La Pubilla Empordanesa" (1902) d'en Josep Serra i Bonal, "La Pubilla" (1897) d'en Juli Garreta, "Festejant la pubilla" (1925) de Joaquim Serra i Corominas, "La pubilla de Girona" (1935) de Josep Vicens "Xaxu", "La pubilla de l'Empordà" (1975) d'en Ricard Viladesau; per altra banda també el tema de l'hereu ha estat utilitzat sovint pels compositors, especialment glossant una de les més conegudes tonades tradicionals del cançoner populars Català com és "L'Hereu Riera". Autors de la talla d'en Joaquim Serra, Max Havart o Honorat Vilamanyà, així han tractat el tema, així com d'altres autors entre ells en Francesc Mas i Ros (1948), Manuel Oltra, Tomàs Gil i Membrado o Joan Jordi Beumala (1990). També el compositor egarenc Ramon Serrat va escriure el mateix any 1922 la sardana titolada "L'hereu Maraldes" (1922).