Revessa No.2


Original for cobla {Catalan ensemble: 1 flubiol, 2 tibles, 2 tenors, 2 cornetins, 1 trombó, 2 fiscorns, 1 contrabaix}

Premiered: Sabadell 1921



Toldrà was commissioned by the "Associació Sardanista de Sabadell" to write a sardana "revessa" for their Dance Competition Festival. Read the note about the sardanes "revesses" of the num1. Toldrà should be noted that, having agreed three times to the composition of paths sardanas "revesses" for competitions, decided not to give more to such requirements, not interested in the genre. The need to give the composition a structure that could qualify as hieroglyphic to hinder "the account and the cast" to the contestants, forced him to limit excessive innate lyricism. It is therefore a curiosity to offer hearing of his three sardanas "revesses".