Rafael Patxot

Rafael Patxot i JubertOlot, Baix Emporda, 1872 - Geneva, 1964

Meteorologist, patron, bibliophile and writer.

Men leaned to the patronage of great temperament for the Catalan culture, especially during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, which crystallizes in the institution Patxot. The son of a family of industrial Cork, was educated in England.

In 1926 the town built on native and an astronomical observatory, with a double equatorial refractor, work began on the peninsula of micrometric multiple stars. Soon the weather section of the astronomical observatory and surpassing, in 1900, he published Meteorological Catalan. Observations of Sant Feliu de Guixols, with an appendix of rainfall between 1896 and 1905. In 1912 he published the second volume, rainfall Catalan. Results of five years from 1906 to 1910. In moving to Barcelona, ​​his observatory devices distributed between Montserrat and the Astronomical Society, and dissolve the latter, the equatorial remained deposited in the University. Linked to the group of progress, he worked in the "Advancement of People's Collection" with translation of Flammarion, X. de Maistre, Lord Avebury and an anthology of prosadors Americans. He was executor of his sister, Concepció Rabell, and created the foundation of the name, which were instituted as the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya and the music composition award Rabell Conception. In 1919, in memory of his father, pianist and Eusebius Patxot Llagustera (Olot 1846-1893), created the music competition for composers of his name, which was entrusted to the Catalan Choral Society. In 1923 he established the Foundation for the Study of Catalan farmhouse and a gold medal Mountaineering Center of Catalonia, in 1925, the scholarships for girls who commissioned grant to the Institute of Culture Women also favored institution with other important provisions. Took charge of the edition of the International Cloud Atlas, code that had governed the observations around the world, which appeared in French, English, German and Catalan. In 1936, persecuted, was forced into exile in Switzerland and published in Freiburg Lettre aux Members of the Organisation météorologique internationale et aux Météorologues general (1948) and Geneva Farewell to Catalonia. Gazing back. Sheets of life of octogenarian (1952). Maintained an uncompromising attitude of opposition to the Franco regime. The meteorological file was destroyed in 1939. Listed in Switzerland especially Francesc Vidal i Barraquer, Carles Cardó, Ramon Sugranyes de Franch and Ventura Gassol.